Announcing the Psychotherapy Notes podcast

Psychotherapy Notes podcastWe don’t do a lot of interviews here on the blog. But sometimes, getting additional perspectives is important. So for our new podcast on major current issues in the world of psychotherapy and counseling, we split the episodes. Some of them are me talking about a current issue, giving background, trends, and opinions. The rest involve key players, talking in their own words.

We’ve dropped the first seven episodes of the Psychotherapy Notes Podcast on iTunes. All episodes are under 10 minutes, so you can listen to a full episode in between sessions.

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Three great therapy podcasts

Headphones - Anna Langova / Publicdomainpictures.netTherapy podcasts can be great ways to learn new information in the field when you’re in the car or otherwise semi-occupied. A lot of new ones have been springing up lately, which is good! The more content we have to choose from, the better.

Here are three I have found that I have learned a lot from.

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