Why are there so many delinquent APCC registrations?

Wrist watches / Photo by Sarah Pflug via Burst / Used under licenseRecent data shows that clinical counselors are almost twice as likely to be delinquent in renewing their California registrations compared to clinical social workers. Associate Professional Clinical Counselors (APCCs) are almost three times as likely to be delinquent as MFTs. As of September 2024, more than a quarter of California APCCs hold delinquent APCC registrations.

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An AI therapist can’t really do therapy. Many clients will choose it anyway.

Woman working on laptop in an apartment window / Photo by Matthew Henry via Burst / Used under licenseIt just isnā€™t the same, I hear over and over, from psychotherapists shrugging away concern over artificial intelligence. An AI therapist canā€™t really empathize. It canā€™t truly understand. It canā€™t build a therapeutic relationship with depth and connectedness the way a human therapist can.

As a therapist myself, I agree with all of these statements. An AI therapist is not equivalent to a human therapist. Like many therapists, I tend to focus on the ways that AI falls short.

But for clients, in many ways, an AI therapist is better than a human one. 

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