As I’ve covered here before, it can be quite difficult to get a real sense of how much your MFT graduate program will cost before enrolling. Universities have a habit of being opaque about MFT program costs. And the end result is that financial planning around graduate education can be a serious challenge. New data shows that MFT program costs vary even more widely than I had suspected, with full program tuition cost estimates ranging from less than $15,000 to more than $120,000.
ben fineman
Some great new therapy podcasts
A while back, I posted on some of our favorite therapy podcasts. We’ve also celebrated our friends at the Modern Therapist’s Survival Guide releasing their 100th episode. Since then, there’s been an explosion in the number of therapy podcasts available. This is unabashedly good — no matter what element of the therapy process you’re interested in, no matter what problems or populations you serve, odds are there’s now a podcast out there for you.