Who owns the technology companies that serve therapists?

Business meeting. Photo via Burst, used under licenseAs venture capital has poured into mental health care in the past few years, some of the companies that provide critical services to therapists have been acquired by larger corporations. Others have taken on new investors. Corporate ownership or investment isn’t inherently either good or bad, of course. Larger corporations often have more resources to devote to their products and services, while private ownership can give companies more flexibility. Here’s a list of who owns what, derived from company web sites and public documents in April 2023.

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Why there isn’t an interstate compact for MFTs

Map and antique binoculars. Photo by Matthew Henry via Burst, used under licenseTelehealth-based mental health care is now the norm. Many clinicians have sought to expand their telehealth practices by getting licensed in multiple states. Psychology, counseling, and social work have all pursued interstate compacts to expand telehealth opportunities for professionals in participating states. This has led many marriage and family therapists to wonder: Why isn’t there an interstate compact for MFTs?

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