I’m proud to be involved in a number of activities at this year’s AAMFT Annual Conference in Austin, Texas.
First, I’ll be co-hosting (with Amanda Reeves, AAMFT’s staff attorney) the Ethics discussion group on Saturday, September 5 from 12:30-1:30 in the main exhibit hall. This is a more informal conversation, but you’ll want to mark on your registration that you’re planning to attend so that we know how many seats to have available.
Second, I’ll be presenting this workshop from 2:15-4:15 pm on Saturday, September 5:
508 – How Technology will Radically Change Family Therapy’s Future
Benjamin Caldwell
Online service delivery is already impacting the field of family therapy, but has only made small inroads compared to what’s ahead. New technology is poised to revolutionize training, licensure, and research as well. This workshop will describe developing technologies and their potential impacts (positive and negative), with an emphasis on needed policy changes to keep MFTs on the cutting edge.
Finally, I’ll be co-presenting this seminar from 9am to 12 noon on Sunday, September 6:
608 – Multi-Impact Systemic Therapy for Self-Injury
Angela Kahn, Benjamin Caldwell, April Kujawa
This seminar will teach participants to understand self-injury as a relational inevitability in families with a particular type of pathology. Participants will learn how to tailor a treatment plan to combine structural and strategic techniques that address deeper family dysfunction, and how to construct a treatment team of multiple therapists that addresses the problem from several subsystemic angles simultaneously.
I’m excited about each one of these individually, and of course about the conference program as a whole. I hope to see you in Texas!