My article on California’s SB1172, from the November/December issue, is online.
The good folks at AAMFT’s Family Therapy Magazine have put my article from their November/December issue online. It focuses on SB1172, the California bill that prohibits therapists from working to change the sexual orientation of minors. It provides a useful summary of what “reparative therapy” actually looks like, and explains the AAMFT-California Division role in shaping the bill. If you have not seen the article, you can read it in full using the link below.Mad props, as the kids probably no longer say, to my co-author and AAMFT-California Division Board colleague Angela Kahn, who made the article much better than it would have been without her. And thanks to AAMFT for helping spread the word about this important legislation. If you’re doing therapy with families, and you aren’t a member, you may want to consider joining AAMFT. # # #Family Therapy Magazine: California prohibits therapists from working to change minors’ sexual orientation
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