An AI therapist can’t really do therapy. Many clients will choose it anyway.

Woman working on laptop in an apartment window / Photo by Matthew Henry via Burst / Used under licenseIt just isn’t the same, I hear over and over, from psychotherapists shrugging away concern over artificial intelligence. An AI therapist can’t really empathize. It can’t truly understand. It can’t build a therapeutic relationship with depth and connectedness the way a human therapist can.

As a therapist myself, I agree with all of these statements. An AI therapist is not equivalent to a human therapist. Like many therapists, I tend to focus on the ways that AI falls short.

But for clients, in many ways, an AI therapist is better than a human one. 

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AI therapy is about to make therapy a lot cheaper

Hands on laptop / Photo by Matthew Henry via Burst / Used under license“I’m in L.A. We have a lot of therapists,” Angelle Haney Gullett told the Washington Post in 2022. “So it’s just kind of wild to me that that many people are at capacity.” She had contacted 25 different therapists after her father passed away, knowing that she needed help. Even though she was willing to pay cash, not one would take her. No one would even put her on a waiting list.

She’s not alone. Tens of thousands of Americans struggle to access mental health care even when they know they need it, and even when their health insurance covers it. But for clients like Angelle, mental health care is about to get much easier to access. It’s about to get a lot less expensive, too. This will happen thanks to artificial intelligence. AI therapy is already here, and it’s about to upend US mental health care.

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What artificial intelligence can do for your therapy practice right now

Person in robot costume. Photo by Ryan McGuire via Gratisography, used under licenseAs with any new technology, artificial intelligence is drawing concern and skepticism from many therapists. It’s also drawing great enthusiasm from therapists who tend to be early adopters of new technologies. For all the promise that AI holds for future implementation, it’s reasonable to ask: What can artificial intelligence do for my therapy practice right now? Here, we look at three different places where AI can have an immediate impact on your therapy work.

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