10 years of blogging: Emma’s favorite posts

Nicole de Khors / Burst / Used under licenseIt’s unreal to me that Psychotherapy Notes has been around since long before I even decided to pursue therapy. But the fact that I discovered it shortly after I started grad school shows how much of an impact it has made for the field in general, and for prelicensees specifically. Whenever I would Google a question about the path to MFT licensure, Psychotherapy Notes was one of the first links to pop up with an easy breakdown of what I needed to know. Here are some of my favorite posts from the past 10 years.

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The therapist friend

Burst / Used under licenseTherapists and counselors are a community’s experts in relationships. It only makes sense that our occupation impacts our personal relationships. With our friends, we often aren’t just their friend who happens to be a therapist. We’re their therapist friend.

Being the therapist friend affects how our loved ones respond to us. In most situations, our opinions are respected. In some, we can get written off as arrogant — something that typically doesn’t happen to, say, plumbers who speak confidently about how plumbing works.

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On being the therapist in your family

Nicole De Khors / Burst / Used under licenseIf you didn’t know this about me, I’m a white woman. Most psychotherapists are white women. (See the demographics of psychologists as an example.) When I sat down to write about how families respond when a family member starts down the road to becoming a therapist, I knew that culture and family background would have a lot to do with it. So instead of just focusing on my own experience, I decided to also interview some of my colleagues, to see what it was like being the therapist in their families. The differences surprised me.

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